Obama said, “I’ve made clear, just as President Bush did shortly after 9/11, that our war was not against Islam. Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader; he was a mass murderer of Muslims.” So how can this man’s body be “handled in accordance with Islamic practice and tradition” (CNN) if two of our presidents stated before and after his death, he was not Muslim.
The dilemma exists on the grounds that if the body were kept, which ever place it was, it would turn into a place of pilgrimage. Even though this did not happen with any other terrorist killed previously, why would it happen now? Why haven’t the U.S. army practiced this same method toward any other Muslim killed?
Whether it was the U.S. who captured his mortal remains or it was pure luck that killed him, we are left with unanswered questions. “For over two decades Bin Laden has been Al Qaeda leader and symbol; and has continued to plot attacks against our countries and our friends and allies” Obama mentioned during the special report announcing Osama’s death. The Arab world will ask for specific prove of his death, pictures, videos, etc. and if they don’t receive the answer necessary to know beyond a reasonable doubt that Bin Laden is in fact, dead. When the Arab world receives the same unanswered questions us Americans are left with, violence could erupt among many nations.
“Finally, let me say to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11; that we have never forgotten your loss nor waivered in our commitment to see that we do whatever it takes to prevent another attack on our shores.” I have to question if killing Bin Laden will prevent another attack on our shores, worse yet, not showing pictures nor reliable prove of his death.
According to Obama, “On that day – September 11 – no matter where we came from, what god we prayed to, or what race or ethnicity we were, we were united as one American family.” Let us remind the president that there is still an American family. The same family is asking for the right justice, not a cover-up of his death. We want pictures and we want them now. We want to know under what circumstances the U.S. army believed they needed to commemorate a ceremony to the world’s most notorious terrorists. Let alone the fact they would cast out a body they were looking for so long, spent effort, time and money on, after such a short amount of time of his death?
This is not justice; this is decrepit.
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ReplyDeletethe man murdered thousands of Americans and he should be shot to death, not be used as a Martyr. He's dead. Enough evidence was produced to prove it and this way he is gone and will be forgotten rather than captured and made to be a hero.
ReplyDeleteCorrect, he murdered.
ReplyDeleteIncorrect he will become a martyr. The Nazis did not and never will.
We have a human right to ask for these photos. The U.N. explains in article 19 that "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
There is not enough evidence in ANY way...
The president can show photos to all senaters, House representatives & Judges of america & all consulate officies of the world on behalf of the people.