Bizzare Bloggin'

Monday, May 9, 2011

Judicial Watch files lawsuit against CIA

After discussing the violation of human rights, the world audience, in some way,  fully neglected the lack of transperancy of Bin Laden’s documents after his death.
I had discussed and argued how there was lack of information throughout the release of Bin Laden’s operational process to obtain his death, and it is not just a violation of our human rights but a violation of the Freedom of Information Act.
Judicial Watch, a public concern congregation that researches and indicts government corruption have recently filed a lawsuit against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on several grounds.
The congregation is asking for specific dates of briefed interrogations of suspected terrorists, briefing materials (such as photographs and conincidental points of history), records detailing names of all briefed Members of Congress, information on waterboarding detainees, and records specifying all instances when the CIA has provided briefings to Members of Congress under the provisions of the National Security Act from Sept. 11, 2011 to present.
Because Pelosi, along with the finest staff members of Pelosi’s office had alredy completed briefings with the CIA, a controversy began when on April, 2009 she denied any previous briefings. The Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated that “This FOIA lawsuit shows, yet again, that Obama’s promises of transparency were nothing more than empty rhetoric.”
According to law, the CIA had 20 days to respond however, they did not and thus a lawsuit was filed.
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  1. I think it's just horrible how many people, have died, and been interegated throughout this whole story on many places on the spectrum, not to mention all of the pain the peoples families who are connected by having to know they lost their loved ones over a war!! It's so sad I do want to see the CIA, and OBAMA get sued. I'm sure with all of their money, fortoune, and power.. the case wont make it very far.. but there is hope that it can and reprocusions will be put in place. Be sure to keep us updated!

  2. OH please. Do you honestly think that if the U.S. citizens knew every detail that the CIA, Obama, Pelosi, etc knew, that Osama would have EVER been found? Get over yourselves, you have no idea what you are talking about and there is a reason for that. It's for your own safety as well as the country's. I'm tired of all this negative attention. Let us move forward and not dwell on the past. Waterboarding is an unfortunate event; but if you truly knew what these people did, you would be upset that the most forceful torture used one soe detainees was waterboarding. America in itself is "sue happy" and greedy. It is better that you don't know the details America.

  3. It's no about knowing every detail, smarty pants.

    It is about knowing just enough information to know that this country is democratic.

    I think the one who doesn't know what they're talking about is you anonymous 2. You see yourself an organ of society has sued the CIA.

    You get over yourself. Stop living in that movie people think always has a happy ending. Not everything is Hollywood. THIS IS THE REAL WORLD.

    Anonymous 1, thanks for your support! We need you back here for those updates.

    Thanks to people like you, we have one less of those who think "it is don't know the details America."
